First Church of Christ, Scientist
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566 W Palmetto Park Rd,
Boca Raton, FL 33432
Sunday Service: 10.30am-11.30am
Wednesday Service: 7.00pm-8.00pm
Reading Room: Monday-Saturday 11.00am-3.00pm
Call The Reading Room prior to visiting to confirm it is open and
an attendant is available.
Church: (561) 391-7689
Reading Room: (561) 395-3815
Below are a few examples of frequently asked questions about Christian Science. Click here for more questions and answers, including information about the discoverer and founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy. You will also find life stories of people who’s lives have been saved and transformed by Christian Science.
Christian Science is the same as Scientology, right?
No. Other than a similarity in name, the two have nothing in common. (Please see About Christian Science for further information on the healing system discovered by Mary Baker Eddy in 1866.)
Why is it called Christian Science?
It’s Science because it’s based upon a set of spiritual principles - laws relating to the nature of God and His creation - that can be applied with expected, consistent results.
Why do you call yourselves Christian?
Because Christian Science is based on the Bible, and Christian Scientists follow the teachings and ministry of Christ Jesus. In fact, the virgin birth, the crucifixion, the resurrection and ascension of Christ Jesus, and so on, are all central to Christian Science theology.
Is it true that Christian Scientists don’t take medicine?
Generally, a Christian Scientist’s first choice is to rely on prayer for healing, and in most cases, this means that a medical remedy is unnecessary. There is no biblical or church mandate to forgo medical intervention, nor do Christian Scientists believe that it’s God’s will that anyone suffer or die. A Christian Scientist’s decision to rely on prayer comes from trust, not blind faith, in God, and from a conviction that God’s care continues under every circumstance.
These public introductions to Christian Science present healing approaches to today’s problems and issues. Lecture events draw audiences who are interested in hearing compelling insights and experiences about practical Christianity and the deepening significance of spirituality in the world today.
Speakers from The Christian Science Board of Lectureship are talking to spiritual seekers worldwide in bookstores, conferences, classrooms, community centers, churches and other locations. Central to each speaker’s message is how Mary Baker Eddy’s book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures is touching hearts, improving health and transforming the lives of readers.
Click here to view the world schedule of Christian Science lectures and to search for Florida lectures.
In addition, First Church of Christ, Scientist Boca Raton hosts local lectures on an annual basis.
You may also hear a Christian Science lecture online made available by The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston.
Internet Broadcasts
Sentinel Watch is a weekly podcast from the Christian Science Sentinel. Tune in and find strength, comfort and renewal through uplifting interviews and inspiring testimonies from individuals who rely on God for healing. You may also enjoy The Daily Lift as another source of inspiration for handling life’s daily challenges.
Audio Chats
Participate in insightful live audio chats about practical spirituality.
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Healing is integral to the Christian Science Church.
As described in the Church Manual of The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts,
Mary Baker Eddy founded the Christian Science Church for the following purpose:
“To organize a church designed to commemorate the word and works of our Master, which should reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing.”
Click on the links below to learn more about Christian Science healing:
Christian Science Practitioners
Christian Science Nursing Facilities